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A2P & Bugs (Broadcasts, Calls)

June 2, 2023

A2P Messaging

We have added support for new error codes relating to upcoming enforcement of A2P Verification across all Avochato inboxes:

30034 - Unregistered message

Unregistered outbound messages sent from 10DLC numbers that are not associated with a verified Use Case may face filtering as early as July 5th. Please register all phone numbers using the in-app under Settings > A2P & Use Cases. A given use-case can be associated with up to 49 numbers across any number of linked inboxes in your Avochato account.

30023 - T Mobile daily send limit exceeded.

The T Mobile daily limit scales with the trust score of your registered Brand. Daily send limits are based on T Mobile’s guidelines and are calculated by T Mobile based on a rolling 24 hour window which accumulates based on outbound messages across all phone numbers associated with a given Brand. To send more daily messages to T Mobile contacts, please use the in-app Vetting process* to Vet your brand for a higher trust score. * Each vetting attempt incurs a one-time fee which will be deducted automatically from your balance.

A2P Verification

  • Use Cases have had their TCR Campaign ID added to the list of meta-data, for easy reference.
  • Expired Use Cases will no longer appear in the Use Cases list.
  • Fixed various UI bugs based on stale or corrupted Brand or Use Case data.

Broadcast Bugs

  • The Broadcast Editor column now only updates if the broadcast was edited by someone.
  • Fixed an issue where ‘Edit’ and ‘Move to Draft’ buttons were not functioning as intended for ‘Drafts’ and ‘Scheduled’ broadcasts.
  • Fixed an issue where certain broadcast filters and sort order could be ignored after reloading the page manually.
  • Fixed bugs relating to various Broadcast resend shortcuts not re-creating a broadcast in various cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the “broadcast preview” button would error incorrectly and not allow the user to send a preview message to their phone.

Calls Bug

  • Fixed issue where some forward call legs were not being marked as completed at the end of a call.
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