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A2P Billing, API Updates, and More

Jan 13, 2023

This update brings multiple changes, most notably:

  • Upgrades to the Billing page for increased transparency about active recurring payments relating to A2P Verification and Brand registration.


A2P Verification

We’ve made various improvements to UI components in the Verification section for usability, and all associated charges for Verification are included in the Billing section.

We’ve also included more obvious calls to action for Use Cases that are not actually pointing to one or more accounts.

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In-App Purchases

We’ve added a new In-app Purchases section to Billing, which lists all charges for registering brands as well as all active subscriptions for various A2P Use-cases that were created in Avochato.

Billing Usage

Fees for registered A2P Campaigns and Brands are now displayed in the Billing breakdown for a given period.

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Organization Management

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We’ve added a new Numbers section to the Organizations dashboard.

This page lists all of your Organization’s Avochato Numbers across all your accounts.

Filter by Account

You can filter the list by Account, and search by phone number or area code to locate which inbox a particular Avochato Number you own lives in.

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Users and Roles

You can now filter the Users table by role or account. By default, we list users across all accounts and any role.

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Note: A new Download button has been added to the Users list to download a .csv file of the current scoped list of users, based on the selected role or search criteria.


Webhooks & Logs

We’ve updated the Webhook Logs section to include filtering by a response code family. This makes it easier to see all responses matching a particular code (ex: 403, 404, 400) instead of one specific code.


Message Logs now links to Webhook Logs (and vice versa) for easier navigation to this section of the app

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Avochato API

We’ve upgraded a number of our API routes. See latest documentation here and read more about what’s new below.


  • You can now curl /v1/whoami to get information about the credentials you’re currently using. This is helpful if you are managing multiple credentials or cycle through credentials as part of your workflow.
  • The response includes information about the API credential’s account, user, Avochato number, and TCR campaign ID (if configured)

Messages & Scheduled Messages

Event ID’s are the primary key for all “events” that happen in a conversation. Now, those event ID’s are properly exposed in all of our API responses and can be used for searching (and in some caes, updating) individual messages, regardless of whether they are an SMS, MMS or other type of message event.

The following new actions have been added to our API

  • Fetch Message Event: Lookup data about a specific message event, using it’s Event ID. You can use a Message’s Event ID to fetch information about that specific message. View docs.
  • Search Scheduled Messages: You can now fetch a list of 1:1 messages scheduled in the future. View docs
    • Note: this does not include messages that are part of a broadcast.
    • You can apply filters to include or exclude canceled scheduled messages, or search for a specific message by it’s Event ID.
  • Cancel Scheduled Message: You can cancel any message that is scheduled for the future. View docs
    • Attempting to cancel a message that is in progress will return a Bad Request error.

Search Updates

The following changes have been made to existing API routes to improve searching for records:

  • Send Message / Schedule Message: Event IDs have been added to all API responses when sending or scheduling a message.
  • Search Messages: You can now search messages by Contact ID, Ticket ID, or Sender ID. View Docs.
    • This change is intended to make it much simpler to fetch every message in a conversation, every message sent by a specific contact or Avochato user.

  • You can also search messages (including scheduled messages) by webhook to list every message that attempted to sync data to a particular webhook URL.


Compliance Template behavior

We’ve adjusted the logic of the compliance template functionality for organic messages.

Messages you send manually (example: any dynamic text you type out and send using the chatbox in the desktop or mobile app) will no longer append the compliance template.

Outbound messages triggered by automation (including Broadcasts, Surveys, Campaigns and any auto-responses or keywords) will still be eligible to insert the compliance template if:

1) our system detects that message does not contain your opt out instructions and/or brand salutation and 2) the contact is overdue to receive the instructions.

This change is intended to keep the friendly and conversational nature of Avochato while still automatically attempting to maintain compliance based on carrier guidelines in the US.

Read here for more information.


The broadcast list’s default time range has increased from 7 days to 30 days, in order to make it simpler to manage recent broadcasts week over week.

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Avochato API

  • Scheduled 1:1 messages created via the API now properly fire their outbound webhook when the scheduled message is sent (if specified). Previously, it was being ignored.


  • Deleted contacts and Opted Out contacts should no longer appear in the list or count towards the audience size.
    • Note: Contacts that were deleted or were marked “opted out” were always skipped when it came time to send them a message as part of a broadcast — this cosmetic change has been added for clarity.

  • The Broadcast Audience page should properly refresh regularly as contacts are added or removed.
  • Fixed an issue properly showing the name of a contact owner (if there is one) in the audience list.
  • The broadcast Message Preview has been restored to the Review page. You can search for a specific contact in your broadcast to see what message they will receive, including if they are currently eligible for the Compliance Template.


  • The “Create new template“ link in the templates menu should always take you to the templates page.

Salesforce - Data Sync

  • Fixed an issue with the date format for ActivityDate field when syncing tasks.
  • Cached Salesforce integration settings are now properly scoped by Restforce Credential — switching credentials in the Integrations page (or disconnecting and reconnecting the Salesforce integration) will properly reset the cache of settings including that salesforce instance schema’s fields for a particular record type.
  • Fixed an issue viewing the Avochato Salesforce Settings page when the associated integration credentials were disabled on the Salesforce administration side or permissions were turned off in Salesforce.
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