NEW: Inbox Mode
- “Inbox Mode” is now available to all users and can be turned on or off under
- Enable “Inbox Mode” to be taken to a “birds-eye view” when logging into Avochato, or when clicking “My Inbox” or “All Messages” tabs in Avochato.

NEW: Inbox Filters
Changing a filter option will no longer instantly reload the inbox — in order to apply filters, you must click the new “Click to Apply Changes” button at the bottom of the form, which will turn green when any changes are detected.

This is intended to make it easier to combine multiple filter options without waiting for the page to reload multiple times.
The Inbox Filters button has been moved!
It is now in line with other inbox action buttons, indicated with a funnel icon. It will still turn green while filters are applied.

“Apply Last Used Filters” button
- “Apply Last Used Filters” button has been added to the filters menu. Click it to instantly reuse your last set of filters.
- Every time you filter or search the inbox, your most recent combination of filters will be stored for quick recall, and you can click this button to re-apply them (for example, if you reset the inbox or navigated away from your previous search by accident).
- After filtering the inbox by any means, click the Apply Last Used Filters button to go back to your last used filters to the current inbox.
New Filters – Channel, Last Activity dates

- Filter by Channel. Click the Channel to filter by SMS, Live Chat, or WhatsApp
- Filter between Last Activity Date. Click the calendar to open a date picker and search for conversations whose last activity was between two dates.
- Added a “close” button to easily dismiss the menu without applying filters. Alternatively, click the Filter button to dismiss the menu.
NEW: Compact Feed
- A new Compact/Expand button has been added to shrink or expand the conversations listed in the Live Feed on Desktop.
- A new Compact/Expand button has been added to shrink or expand the conversations listed in the Live Feed on Desktop.
- Hover over a compact conversation to reveal the details. Active conversations will remain expanded.

NEW: Widget Submission Webhook
- Widgets can now have a Webhook URL configured under settings.
- The Webhook URL will receive all the data around widget submission (including all fields, browser and device data, etc) when the widget is successfully submitted.
- Various cosmetic improvements have been made to the latest widget’s form inputs to streamline the form and standardize font sizing
Contact Imports
CSV Uploads Now Ignore Duplicates in the Same File
- Avochato will ignore duplicates in CSV files. Any contact that is detected in a CSV upload will be ignored if we come across it again later in the file. Read more about contact uploading on our help page.
Progress Bar & Upload History
- Contact Import page has been reorganized into three sections: Upload CSV, All Uploads, and Help.
- A CSV Upload progress bar has been added to show the status of each upload in real time.
- Click the All Uploads tab to see the progress of the last 10 CSV uploads in your account.
- The history of an upload includes the number of contacts processed, the number of contacts added, the number of failures, duplicates, empty rows, malformed phone numbers, and more.