See What's New at Avochato.

Search, SFDC Imports, A2P Actions, & More

May 19, 2023


We’ve improved how you can search your inbox and contacts list based on which user is currently assigned as the Contact Owner.

Example: You can filter the inbox with all tickets whose Contact is owned by a user using the syntax user: "".

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Note: as with all search criteria, this can be combined with the Assignee dropdown menu (e.g. search all conversations assigned to Joe, where the Contact is owned by Jane).

Additionally, on the Contacts list page, you can perform the same exact search to list all contacts with a specified user as the Contact Owner and shortcuts in the Owner column have been updated with the proper syntax.

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Finally, you can search for unassigned contacts using user:unassinged. And, this also works in the inbox.

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Salesforce Import Contacts 2.0

⚠️ Note: This feature will be rolled out during the week of the 22nd to all Avochato for Salesforce customers.

We’ve overhauled the Salesforce Import mechanism! You can kick-off an import by clicking thethe “Import” button in the Integrations > Salesforce tab in any inbox connected to Salesforce. Note: Imports are scoped to the current inbox and do not affect the contacts in other inboxes.

Contact Owner Support

As long as the Salesforce User assigned to a Contact in your Salesforce instance is also a User in Avochato, we will import that User as the Contact Owner when importing Contacts.

Salesforce Object Type & ID support

We now import the Salesforce Object Type and Salesforce Object ID when processing imported Salesforce contacts. This data is viewable in the Contacts list for all inboxes connected to a Salesforce instance. It directly links the Salesforce record to the Avochato contact. Previously, we were not storing this data until some message event activity occurred between your inbox and a given contact. Now, all the IDs will get imported automatically.

We’ve also fixed an issue with search syntax for salesforce_object_type and salesforce_object_id fields, respectively, and you should be able to properly search for contacts and conversations based on these fields.

Shortcuts in the Contacts list for these two fields are also be working properly.

E.g. salesforce_object_type:Lead or salesforce_object_id:"0034100001APX2vAAH"

Custom Field support

We have added support to now import Contact data for all Custom Fields that are flagged in Avochato for syncing to Salesforce. Custom field data will import from Salesforce per Contact as long as the Sync checkbox is checked and the API field name is properly set. Previously, we only synced name, email, phone, company, regardless of your schema or custom field setup.

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  • All Calls vs My Calls: The default filters of the call list has been switched from “My Calls” to “All Calls” by default, except for inboxes with private conversations enabled. All permissions requirements to view the list of “All Calls” remains the same.


Broadcasting has come to v4 Lite plans!

  • Customers on v4 Lite plans can now access the broadcast tab and send broadcasts to up to 100 contacts at a time!

Additionally, we’ve addressed some other performance and usability requests for the latest Broadcast experience:

  • Fixed a bug where the warning about duplicate CSV uploads was always firing when using the CSV upload file picker.
  • Added a new filter shortcut for “All Time” broadcasts, which filters from the inbox creation date up until today.

A2P: Cancellation & Reactivation

Added the ability for users and admins to cancel and reactivate TCR campaign subscriptions within the App. This makes it possible to clean up existing campaigns once they are no longer being used.

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